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What kids prepare, they often eat

Leah Cox gives lessons on cabbage, kiwi and other lesser known fruits and veggies to students throughout Genesee County Intermediate School District. Then the Healthy Schools Healthy Families program manager and fellow GISD instructors gather them in small groups to learn how to make new dishes incorporating featured produce.

Sampling healthy new recipes like cabbage and tomato soup are part of what “Try it Tuesdays” are all about.

“Getting students involved in food preparation increases the odds of them liking the dish,” says Cox. She reminds parents that children often have to be encouraged to try new dishes.

That’s why GISD hosts classroom samplings, along with lessons, community food night events and other group activities.

“When you make trying new foods fun kids become more open to new options, particularly when the sampling involves their friends and family members,” says Cox.

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